
Monday, February 13, 2006

Housing found...

I only have five minutes so here is the quick update, I will try to post more tomorrow. I am still in Santa Teresa although technically I'm in PLaya Carmen, Santa Teresa start thirty yards from my hostel. I have found a place to rent for the next month and a half. It is a small cabina in the yoga center here. Great energy and it's my own room for $275 per month. It is two minutes to walk to the beach and the people that run it are english speaking. My friends that I have here now, one of them teaches there. WHen I was hitchiking to there house for dinner I got picked up by Sheryl who owns the place and she gave me a great deal. THe room usually rents for $325. It share a kitchen and bathroom with two other rooms.

Now for the really exciting parts, I went Quad shopping today in Cobano. I'm buying a really cute yellow Quad which I'm either naming Dolly or Squire. It will cost $3800 including license and notarized registration but it includes s three month warranty and I already have a potential buyer for it (Sheryl) for when I need to leave. I get to pick it up on wednesday. Than I will have all the freedom I need.

MY writing is going great too, Dad, I working on dialogue. THat is very tricky to write.
Mom, you can stay in my place, It has two bunks in it and it will be no extra charge.
Love you all, more tomorrow, promise ;)


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